2030 Mobility Plan: The Cutting Edge of Planning
September 16, 2011 45 comments
When it comes to city planning, Jacksonville is sometimes known more for it's missteps than what it does right. The 2030 Mobility Plan could change all that. This innovative plan provides a framework to integrate rail, pedestrian, bicycle and road transportation planning with land use strategies that combat unsustainable sprawl. Something we are all too familiar with. Many in Jacksonville have come to the conclusion that investing only in roadway construction to transport people about the city will not work forever. Other forms of mobility, or moving around the city, must be considered to create a city that will not collapse under the weight of ever expanding borders and strains on municipal resources.

What is the Mobility Plan?
First, it provides a framework to integrate land development, with mobility (pedestrians, bicycles, transit and roads) and gives developers incentives to embrace smart growth principles, like gridded streets, in their projects design.
Second, it lays out a mobility fee that all developers must pay when starting new projects in the city. Developments further from the city core that put more wear and tear on the streets and infrastructure will result in higher project mobility fees.
What Does Mobility Fee Money Go Towards?
10 Year CIE Priority Projects by Mobility Zone
The money from these fees will be used to support and fund rail, car, pedestrian and bicycle mobility projects. Chief among the planned projects to be funded by this new fee is a streetcar system that will connect Downtown Jacksonville with Riverside.
All of the mass transit based projects in the 2030 Mobility Plan
Mobility Plan Benefits
incentivizes infill and redevelopment
incentivizes quality growth
guides the market to create sustainable growth
focuses on the future
is predictable, fair, efficient for developers
This plan truly is a work of genius, and Bill Killingsworth deserves every accolade in the country for it. Stephen Dare, Metro Jacksonville
How Will It Impact the City of Jacksonville
There are two chief components to the mobility planning approach, this Mobility Plan and the supporting 2030 Multi-modal Transportation Study, completed in January 2010. Using this dual approach to tackle the growth management challenges facing Jacksonville, the objectives of the 2030 Mobility Plan are as follows:
1.Support a variety of transportation modes
2.Reduce vehicle miles traveled
3.Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
4.Promote a compact and interconnected land development form
5.Improve the health and quality of life for Jacksonville residents
The Mobility Plan is a major victory for our city. For too long Jacksonville has slugged along without a clear vision for where we want to take our city and how to get there. This visionary plan charts that course and will help us be competitive in our region for years to come.
Official City of Jacksonville 2030 Mobility Plan
2030 Mobility Plan Implementation Ordinance
2030 Mobility Plan: A Driver for Better Development?
2030 Mobility Plan: Bicycle Network
2030 Mobility Plan: Pedestrian Network
2030 Mobility Plan: Development Zones
Jacksonvilles 2030 Mobility Plan
Washington, DC is known for diverse mobility options: "Coming from DC, I've long thought the lack of public transportation is a major weakness in Jax. As a resident of the Beaches a drive downtown seems wasteful and lonnnggg, especially if I want to experience the nightlife. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for connecting the many different parts of Jax to the Urban Core. Seems like it would be a great catalyst for getting people downtown which hopefully results in a broader offering of things to do down that way."
Comment by conraddecker at http://beonespark.com
Article by Joey Marchy of Urban Jacksonville & One Spark.
One Spark is a fostering an environment in Jacksonville to start, build and scale new ideas. We seek out and highlight innovation in the city with a goal of educating Jacksonville residents about great new ideas in their backyard and the nationwide innovation movement. For more information on One Spark:
Article originally published on September 14, 2011 at http://beonespark.com/features/view/2030-mobility-plan-cutting-edge-of-transportation-planning
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