No lesson here....HART is a disaster....and even though there is support for rail in Tampa, HART refused to even consider it in the plan
You know a lot more about HART than I do.
1. Why won't they consider rail in their plans? Is it because of the struggling TECO streetcar?
2. Do you believe their routing system is a disaster, their management or a mix of both?
3. What has been the public's response to their first BRT line?
1. scared of the County Commission and a few of their board is a commissioner and the other is Steve Polzin from know, the BRT people
2. management has always been the main problem....but service in some parts is weak too...I'm not a fan of their community shuttles (FWIW JTAs are better)
3. response has been good, but they had very low expectations (like 1500 riders a day)...and there is now talk of reducing service on the local route that serves much of the same corridor
Also note that they still have no $ for the second BRT line (east-west) much less any of the other proposed in their 10-year plan.
Their latest genius idea is partnering with the Expressway Authority to build bus toll lanes....if successful (which is debatable), FTA New Starts $ would build express lanes which buses could use...toll revenues would then be shared with HART so bus operations are funded