First I've read the actual term sheet. I didn't realize how specific it is. 5.1 acres of fill? 525 boat slips? 662 residential units?
That is all part of a standard development agreement for a large multi-use project (DRIs aren't really used much in Florida anymore) where they are rezoning the property and establishing vesting rights up to a certain intensity/mix of uses.
I wouldn't put much stock in this being what the actual product looks like (the vast majority of the time developments like these never achieve the maximum intensity in which they are approved for at full build out)... its just all part of the necessary due dilligence on a redevelopment deal of this magnitude.
Those DRI numbers are Trilegacy's from a decade ago.
What does stand out is the things the city is required to pay for.....outside of the $36 million for environmental:
1. Improvement of Bay Street infrastructure (potable water and fire, sewer collection and pumping, storm water conveyance and treatment)
2. Stormwater treatment and storage (on-site and off-site)
3. Construction of mooring space for the USS Adams
4. Filling in 5.1 acres of land on the shipyards site.
5. Bay Street streetscape (hardscape, landscape, lighting and wayfaring signage)
6. Bay Street transportation improvements (turn lanes, bus pull offs, signalization, signage, etc.)
7. Improvements to Hogans Creek greenway (hardscape, landscape, lighting, street modifications, etc.)
8. Riverwalk on shipyards site
9. Public spaces on shipyards site
10. Restoration or construction of the shipyards bulkhead
Paying for these items will easily clear $100 million in public money......just saying....
For a town that can't get the public component of the Trio off the ground, it will be interesting to see where the money to fund all of these items will come from.
You would think they can impose Mello-Roos like any of the DRIs listed above (Watercolor, Southwood, etc) so that residents and commercial owners within the Shipyards can pay for these improvements themselves, but a developer strokes the initial check and simultaneously issues a bond to pay the taxing authority back (taxing authority in turn issues a bond), and upfront risk takers (developer) gets paid back once certain hurdles are cleared, and taxing authority collects higher taxes from those in its jurisdiction - the larger City of Jax not the one guaranteeing any of these bonds. Meanwhile, the developer/sponsor likely also goes to a bank/company to issue surety bonds to guarantee a certain amount of work the City of Jax may want done on land it technically owns.
Granted, the risk in this type of development in Jax is that it's unproven, so sponsors (both on the development and financing side) might be slim, but I wonder if this is an option being explored. I mean we are talking what a 1,000-1,500 residential units, hotel, significant office space, and retail? We are talking a master developer who will develop the land and then sell parcels to other developers to build individual components. This is really no different a process than the process undergone to develop these large suburban communities of similar $$$ scope.
Mello-roos is definitely enacted by master-planned developments of similar nature in cities all across the US.
I also wonder if there would be EB-5 financing available for this. A project of this size can allow for several tranches of EB-5 money, it can lure Chinese investors to Jacksonville, and actually bring new Chinese residents to the city. They love this kind of thing - but where is the nearest EB-5 regional center?
You can definitely have both TIF and CFD financing, as well as EB-5, and other alternative means.
It can and should become a very complex matter if it means something gets done. All parties, city and Khan and any other developer interested in being a part of this large deal, should be working with consultants from other cities that have worked firsthand on similar developments. Legal fees should be spent right now.
There is probably financing available and probably ways to get this whole thing done in a ~10 year time frame WITHOUT involving City of Jacksonville taxpayer money.
The Laura Street Trio is a bit different as its scale is so small that it just becomes unfeasible without public assistance. The scale we're talking about with the Shipyards is about as big as it gets in Jax - it is big. The risk is that nobody knows the value of developed riverfront land in Jacksonville, and nobody knows the size of the pool of credible developers that might want to be involved - and if they're open to partnering on the vertical pieces (i.e. master developer transfers interest to a sub that is a JV with a 3rd party, with potential catch ups for the City depending on how Jacksonville does get involved, etc etc).