Here are some images i have taken:

Hidden in the woods, very large swimming pool. I believe this pool served a more important purpose that just recreation. I believe all sorts of survival training would have been conducted here.

pool handrail, kind of eerie. How many of the "greatest generation" climbed up that railing?

Have found 8 of these structures. Believe they are called a "Butt". This is because one (only one) of these structures has the word "BUTT 4" painted clearly on the entrance. These structures were located at either end of the ranges. Made of concrete, they offered protection for men and material during firing. I believe flags, targets, and self propelled target cars were housed in these. Also had a telephone box in them. See following pictures.

Another Butt

Loading ramp

One of the Butts actually labeled "Camp Yellowater". Larger background lettering says "BUTT 4" on it. Only writing on any butt i could find.

One of three large magazines

Western Electric telephone box, located in each butt

Inside of a butt (gonna regret that)

Another view inside. Rough boards used for concrete framing very evident

Another magazine

View from top of butt looking down

Many layers of paint (lead probably) on heavy magazine doors

One of many brick lined man holes without lids waiting for someone to fall into

Hard to see. Nicely preserved shallow tile lined pit. Shower or urinal left over in middle of the woods

Open telephone box

Probably where a fire hydrant was located in the barracks area

light gauge target track left over from smaller oval shaped track on right of above maps
Another view. Still there after 70years

Heavier gauge rail from larger target ranges center and left on above maps

One of the few war time images i have found of men training at Yellow Water. Of all things, with BB guns. I got this pic from a website dedicated to the "McGlashan" type BB gun used to train men the art of shooting. Economical way to teach rapid fire and "leading" your target, which was important for aerial gunners. Loaded with Coke bottles full of BBs. Note Coke bottle on fence in front of gun. Oh well got to start some where.

Another rare war time pic of Yellow Water

Another one

Pic/story from WWII periodical "Naval Aviation News"
Enough for now.