Where is the City Council rep on this?
Were certified mail notices sent to the owner of record? If not properly notified, he may have a legal stop to this as well.
How about SPAR?
Seems odd this is coming down to this last minute reprieve without more going on leading up to it. Reminds me of the Springfield car wash story. There has to be more than meets the eye.
Is the City bureaucracy literally bulldozing people or are people, out of ignorance, fear, or laziness not taking the City seriously until it's (almost) too late? I have been to code hearings and observed a real desire by the City to work with owners who simply show up and say they genuinely care about their property. Not taking the City's side, but not assuming the owner played their cards properly either.
I hope, if the building is worth saving, the City can back off. But, I wish owners would do their part to be more proactive in not tempting fate and letting these issues get to the edge of the precipice. What's the City to do if the owner doesn't respond to their notices?
If the man is right about the building permits, maybe the City Council needs to revisit the local ordinances. Again, where is the City Council district rep on this? Did he/she know of this before it went this far?